Sunday, January 20, 2008

Hamas gets a slap.

Israel shut down the crossings after Hamas decided it would be in the best interest to the Palestinian people to fire over 160 qassams at Sderot, and over 60 mortars. Hamas is upset that Israel is committing a "conspiracy against the resistance". Their tactics are far worse than targeted strikes. Looking back at history and the war of 1948 many historians illustrate the fact that the chance of a random attack in random areas targeting nothing to civilians lead to a lot of psychological damage. Many people and ministers are starting to lose it, even suggesting targeting Gaza strip with exactly the same qassams. Hamas claims that they use this tactic because it is the only tactic available and when they can fight head to head they will do so. The escalation was from a raid in Gaza on Hamas that killed 20militants and their civilian supporters. I do not blame the IDF for the civilian deaths. Hamas is at fault for putting them in harms way. By traveling with their children while knowing they are being targeted. Funny part is no less than 2months ago Hamas was telling Israel it would be a mistake to invade Gaza. I guess this will be chalked up to just more Terrorist Rhetoric. Latest studies show that over 50% of the children in Sderot suffer from PTSD. This is a very difficult situation for the people in Sderot. Hollandia a Sleep engineering company has left, I feel they should be ashamed. The Jewish State is held together based on the beliefs of unity. In the '48 war people starved in Jerusalem, lost body parts all to help define an imaginary line in the desert sand that we can call our own. Now Hollandia is going to divest their economic investment in Sderot so they can gain some money. Take a hit, go in the red, big deal, this is your people, and your people's lifes.

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