Friday, December 28, 2007

The flight ends

Things i left behind:
Leaving to start a new life is not always a win win situation. Prior to leaving I have been blessed with a group of friends who have changed my life in ways i could have never imagined. They have given me their love and trust over the years and most of all their loyalty in a world where it is hard to give your real self to people. Thank you guys.
My parents who have taken care of me my whole life and sheltered me from needing to be independent will be missed. I have spent nearly my entire life being within 20 minutes away at the furthest.
I guess with out the Bitter its just not as sweet?
I would cry, but i dont have a support network for the tissues :o(
Guess I need to buy a pair of crocs now?

I arrived at JFK at 10:00am and check in with my parents and said goodbye over fifteen times. At 11:30 we had a quick ceremony before leaving that was short and sweet and to the point. It encompassed various different CEOs, Israeli athletes and spokespersons from Nefesh BNefesh. Boarding the plane went really smoothy, I feel as though i am starting to get the hang of flying. Waiting for the majority of the passengers to board proved to be the best method to getting on a plane with out that extra competition. After I boarded the plane I was so excited that my seat was next to two empty seats giving me a perfect little bed for me to lay on.

Last trip to israel i was stuck sitting next to the window and on the way back i was on the End seat! Which would have been sick if not for the fact that the older lady offered to switch with me. Chronic urination has its benefits at old age. However, i did have the "pleasure" of her divulging to me that her husband is a fairly popular rabbi and gave me the great benefit of what i call random disengagement debate! She lost... I had sleeping pills with me again!

Anyway, back to current trip. First thing i did (having not slept the entire night for this flight) was order myself a Carlsberg!(AWESOME haven't had one since my last trip to Israel two years ago). Next thing I know I'm being woken up asked for an interview. Which was weird, with in the last 4 days I have been interviewed three times! So i gave another interview and went back to my seat, got myself another carlsberg and i woke up with the plane another 5 hours later. Nine hours down on a 10 hour flight. NOT BAD!

Landing should be soon then another ceremony. Can't wait to see my girlfriend, Inbar ^_^.

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